Least Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper

The Least Sandpiper is the smallest shorebird in the world, weighing in at about 1 ounce and measuring 5-6 inches long. Least Sandpipers feed on invertebrates in the mud and sand along the edges of water. They often gather in loose flocks and frequently join other species, but they tend to be in smaller groups and feed toward drier edges than other small sandpipers.

Photographer: Dave Saunders

Least Sandpiper

The Least Sandpiper is the smallest shorebird in the world, weighing in at about 1 ounce and measuring 5-6 inches long. Least Sandpipers feed on invertebrates in the mud and sand along the edges of water. They often gather in loose flocks and frequently join other species, but they tend to be in smaller groups and feed toward drier edges than other small sandpipers.

Photographer: Dave Saunders