Groove-billed Ani
Groove-billed Ani

Groove-billed Anis inhabit open areas in the lowlands and lower foothills: grasslands, pastures, and savanna that have a scattering of bushes and trees. Over most of their range, they occur in drier environments than the closely related Smooth-billed Ani. They forage on open ground or in lower vegetation, resting during the day and roosting at night in dense bushes, thorn trees, or bamboo. In Central America, Groove-billed Anis hold year-round group territories in open, arid habitats but sometimes gather in flocks in wetlands along rivers, particularly during times of drought.

Photographer: Dave Saunders

Groove-billed Ani

Groove-billed Anis inhabit open areas in the lowlands and lower foothills: grasslands, pastures, and savanna that have a scattering of bushes and trees. Over most of their range, they occur in drier environments than the closely related Smooth-billed Ani. They forage on open ground or in lower vegetation, resting during the day and roosting at night in dense bushes, thorn trees, or bamboo. In Central America, Groove-billed Anis hold year-round group territories in open, arid habitats but sometimes gather in flocks in wetlands along rivers, particularly during times of drought.

Photographer: Dave Saunders