Black Vulture
Black Vulture

Black Vultures are large raptors. In flight, they hold their broad, rounded wings flat and angled slightly forward. The tail is very short and rounded. They have small, bare heads and narrow but strongly hooked bills. During the day, Black Vultures soar in flocks, often with Turkey Vultures and hawks. Their flight style is distinctive: strong wingbeats followed by short glides. Look for them along highway margins eating roadkill. They roost in groups in trees and transmission towers, typically waiting through the early morning for the air to warm up and for thermals to develop. They have a huge range and are the most numerous vulture in the Western Hemisphere.

Photographer: Dave Saunders

Black Vulture

Black Vultures are large raptors. In flight, they hold their broad, rounded wings flat and angled slightly forward. The tail is very short and rounded. They have small, bare heads and narrow but strongly hooked bills. During the day, Black Vultures soar in flocks, often with Turkey Vultures and hawks. Their flight style is distinctive: strong wingbeats followed by short glides. Look for them along highway margins eating roadkill. They roost in groups in trees and transmission towers, typically waiting through the early morning for the air to warm up and for thermals to develop. They have a huge range and are the most numerous vulture in the Western Hemisphere.

Photographer: Dave Saunders