Plumed Basilisk
Plumed Basilisk

The Plumed basilisk is a species of lizard native to Central America. Adults are brilliant green in colour, with bright yellow eyes, and small bluish spots along the dorsal ridge. Males have three crests: one on the head, one on the back, and one on the tail, while females only have the head crest. Juveniles are less conspicuously coloured and lack the characteristic crests. The plumed basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons ), also called the green basilisk, double crested basilisk, or Jesus Christ lizard, is a species of lizard in the family Corytophanidae. The species is native to Central America. The green crested or plumed lizard is unique in its ability to run across water with speed and the method it employs to do this. It displays the behaviour as a threat response, when fleeing predators. High speed is maintained in order to prevent sinking.

Photographer: Dave Saunders

Plumed Basilisk

The Plumed basilisk is a species of lizard native to Central America. Adults are brilliant green in colour, with bright yellow eyes, and small bluish spots along the dorsal ridge. Males have three crests: one on the head, one on the back, and one on the tail, while females only have the head crest. Juveniles are less conspicuously coloured and lack the characteristic crests. The plumed basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons ), also called the green basilisk, double crested basilisk, or Jesus Christ lizard, is a species of lizard in the family Corytophanidae. The species is native to Central America. The green crested or plumed lizard is unique in its ability to run across water with speed and the method it employs to do this. It displays the behaviour as a threat response, when fleeing predators. High speed is maintained in order to prevent sinking.

Photographer: Dave Saunders