Woodlark 2
Woodlark 2

The Woodlark favours open, dry habitats with short grasses and is quite secretive. It can be seen all year-round, but is mostly seen in February and March. It is a resident UK bird, feeding on seeds and insects, and tends to move to farmland stubbled fields for the autumn and early winter. Woodlark usually nest within a grassy tussock or heather bush, often digging a shallow scrape. Woodland edges are used as song or lookout posts.

Location: Thursley Common, Surrey

Photographer: Dave Saunders

Woodlark 2

The Woodlark favours open, dry habitats with short grasses and is quite secretive. It can be seen all year-round, but is mostly seen in February and March. It is a resident UK bird, feeding on seeds and insects, and tends to move to farmland stubbled fields for the autumn and early winter. Woodlark usually nest within a grassy tussock or heather bush, often digging a shallow scrape. Woodland edges are used as song or lookout posts.

Location: Thursley Common, Surrey

Photographer: Dave Saunders